@ DesirousOfChange, "Is that a tall Eddie Munster in the back row?"
i see it is on jw survey and from one of their earth shaking, mind bending, nausea producing jw.org broadcasts.. .
@ DesirousOfChange, "Is that a tall Eddie Munster in the back row?"
so do you feel bad throwing away your old literature?.
what about your old song book or bible from your early days in the org?.
if so, is it because of sentimentality, monetary cost or because it might be 'sacred' ?.
i'm new here but not new to researching and questioning the jw beliefs.
i have quite a story.... one that's been haunting me for awhile... but first, i'd like to hear what people have to say about this topic question, please.. -gigi.
the borg might not fall and disappear, but it's sure heading into the oblivion.
they predicted their future in last week's study.. last week during the cong book study they mentioned the following:.
15. to illustrate: a supertanker or a freight train might be awesome in terms of size and power.
"Such rigidity has bankrupted corporations and even toppled governments. (Proverbs 16:18) How happy we can be that neither Jehovah nor his organization is anything like that!"
They figure that they are the exception since they are changing their organization from the ground up.
so do you feel bad throwing away your old literature?.
what about your old song book or bible from your early days in the org?.
if so, is it because of sentimentality, monetary cost or because it might be 'sacred' ?.
I could have kept them for documentation of what the Watchtower has been saying throughout the decades.
One particular set of books that I regret having tossed was my collection of the blue 'Truth' book - in 65 different languages. Don't know how much good they would have done but I wish I had kept them.
this video contains "the truth!!
" can you accept it??.
i thought it was ex"plane"d at the corporate meeting that type-antitypes were finished unless it expressly is stated in the bible.. from the feb 22 study article.
question on paragraph 11- what comparison found at psalm 122:3,4 could be applied to god's people today?.
during the coming time of trouble for this system, we will have to be truly united.
The most potent argument against 1914 is not necessarily the overlapping generations issue or the 607 versus 587 but the assumptions that this account in the Bible can be used to calculate anything of any worth.
First off, neither Jewish nor Babylonian years were 360 days long. They were based on very complex lunar cycles. The solar years, on the other hand, were 365.25 days long. This (let's subtract the fraction .25) gives out a result of 7 X 365 = 2555 'days'. So add 35 to 1914 and get 1959.
I would not even get into the 607 vs. 587 issue as the individual might think that the Society has better information than all scholars.
Then secondly I would point out that the 'typical' king - Nebuchadnezzar - was supposed to have been insane for those 7 years but was given his sanity back after they were complete.
How does this figure out for the 'anti-type', all the nations of the world, which were supposed to have been insane like that king during those "Gentile Times" but got even more insane in 1914 with all the commotion that World War I started?
It made better sense with the original 1914 teaching which had 'Armageddon' starting before 1914 with the Millennium starting in 1914. But they had to change that when world events falsified their 'prophecy' and they adopted the newer explanation (which they changed again in the 1990s.).
They were not able to reconcile everything in their new 1914 teaching.
Those are their two major weaknesses.
its a long time since i posted here.
time is hard to get to do the things you would like.
some of you may be wondering if the watchtower are still placing demonic images in their publications here is a link judge for yourselves.
after all my reading, conversations, study, meditating, video watching, etc.. this for me, could very well be the "end all" topic to clearly define why being a jw is useless.. there is zero scriptural evidence that following the rules of a "governing body" of men is required to be acceptable to god or to gain salvation ( everlasting life in paradise ).. when asked by anyone, this will be my reply.
"show me the evidence".... i don't care if it cries out, "i'm an apostate"!.
whomever hears the comment will not be able to ignore it.
i thought it was ex"plane"d at the corporate meeting that type-antitypes were finished unless it expressly is stated in the bible.. from the feb 22 study article.
question on paragraph 11- what comparison found at psalm 122:3,4 could be applied to god's people today?.
during the coming time of trouble for this system, we will have to be truly united.
Their most famous type/anti-type is the "seven times" is Nebuchadnezzar's tree dream where his insanity for 7 years is compared to the gentile nations' 2520 years of rule until 1914.
They're not going to get rid of that one for a great while if ever.